Degree 2nd Year Result Challenge and Re-scrutiny Application

Now is the perfect time to challenge the 2nd year result. There are many reasons you may not be happy with the degree 2nd year result. Therefore, the national university authorities have kept the option of challenging the result. If you challenge the result, the authority will re-evaluate your exam sheet. The biggest problem is that most people don’t know the rule of challenging.

So they have to accept a bad result. However, challenging with a little courage can change your outcome. So today we will show you how to challenge the degree 2nd year result. So let’s get started.

Degree 2nd Year Result Challenge

Authorities published degree second year results long ago. Many find the result to be unacceptable. You have given a lot of hard work, but it is normal to feel dissatisfied with result because of the examiner’s neglect. However, now you can apply to challenge the degree second year result. But before you challenge, have a 100 percent confidence in yourself, other wise five hundred TK will go into the drain. We describe here the process of challenge in steps.

Degree 2nd Year Result Challenge Highlights

Here are some important points regarding Second Year Result Challenge. Knowing these will make the process much easier.

  • Application begins: 05 December 2024.
  • Deadline to apply: 04 January 2024.
  • Application fee: 500 Taka.
  • Apply online through.
  • Application fee should be submitted to the respective college.

NU Degree 2nd Year Result Re-scrutiny Process

Even if the results are not favorable, most people do not know how to challenge the results, which is why you have to be satisfied with the bad results. Today we are showing you the rules of the challenge. If you want to apply for a re-scrutiny process, please visit first:

  • From the window you see there, select ‘Degree (pass course) second year re-scrutinizing fee’ from the drop-down menu in front of Semester / Year / Part.
  • Enter your Degree Second Year Registration Number below.
  • Click theSearch button. Then your pay slip will show. Download and print it.
  • Then go to Sonali Bank and submit a challenge fee of 500 TK.
  • If all goes well, then your challenge process is over. The national university authorities will then re-evaluate your exam sheet.

How to Check Board Challenge Result?

Your examination sheets will be re-evaluated and the results will be published again. You will have to check the result again just as you have seen the second year result. That means you can see the results by submitting the roll number and registration number in the results section of the National University website. If you have a result change, then that would be the final result.

NU Degree Admission Result 2024

Hopefully, after challenging the degree 2nd year result of many will change.We pray that everyone gets the desired results after that.

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