NU Student Vaccine Registration Website Link 103.113 covid (Apply Now)

NU Student covid Vaccine Registration Website Link 103.113  (Apply Now). If you are a student of National University, you might be searching for the NU student vaccine registration website link. The university authority has published a notice for the students to complete the registration for vaccination as soon as possible. As many of you might not know the exact link, we will provide it here along with other information.

Read the post attentively and try to follow our step-by-step guide to complete your registration for the coronavirus vaccine. Let’s not waste any more time and get started right away.

NU Student Vaccine Registration

Almost 20 lacs of students read in affiliated colleges under National University. Keeping these students safe from coronavirus is a priority project. It is also crucial to vaccinate all the students countrywide to reopen educational institutions.

As a part of the project, students of the National University should register for vaccines according to the rules. The registration deadline is 12 July 2024, so complete the registration quickly if you haven’t done it yet.

NU Covid Vaccine Registration

Here are some highlights of the notice that you need to keep in mind so that you don’t make any mistakes.

  • Notice Publish Date: 8 July 2024
  • Registration Deadline: 12 July 2024

Take a look at how you can effortlessly complete vaccine registration and what you will need to fill up the registration form. This is an easy process and won’t take much of your time.

How To Complete NU Student Vaccine Registration?

Completing the registration for the coronavirus vaccine is the responsibility of the students. It isn’t possible for the college authority to compile information of so many students in such a short time.

So, students need to step forward and register for the vaccine on their own. A specific website has been announced in the notice for the registration where you can submit all your information to complete the process. Here’s how.

  • Go to
  • You need to input your National University registration no. to proceed to the next step. Type your registration no. and click Next. You will be redirected to a new page.
  • On the next, page, it will show some of your information like your name, father’s name, course name, session, dob, etc. You need to provide some more information to complete the registration process.
  • Enter an active mobile number that you regularly use. You will get all the information related to vaccination on your mobile number.
  • Enter your NID number in the next box.
  • Give the Covid-19 vaccine taken info carefully. If you have previously applied for a vaccine through the Surokkha website or elsewhere or have been vaccinated, choose Yes. If not, choose No from the options.
  • After you have filled in all the information correctly, click the Submit button.
  • If everything is okay, you will get a successful message of registration and be considered for vaccination on the due date.

Final Word

We suggest you waste no time and complete the NU student vaccine registration website link as early as possible. We also hope this will keep all our students safe from coronavirus and help to reopen educational institutions earlier.

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