Many of you are searching for the NU LLB Result 2024 or NU LLB part-1 result 2024. The only way to study law at a university is from the national university. And that is the LLB course. After completing honours, many are doing LLB from the national university because of the opportunity of a smart career over time. LLB can be done in less time compared to other universities. This time also a large number of students took part in the LLB exams from national universities.
Now they are waiting for the NU LLB part-1 result. Many of you may have forgotten how to see the results because of tight daily life schedules. It is our responsibility to remind you, even if you forget. So today we have come up with all the details of the LLB results. Take a look at the rules of seeing the results.
National University LLB Result 2024
This year’s LLB first year examinations were held from last February to March. After 2 months of examination, everyone was relieved of the exam. After that, many of you are waiting for the result and many may have forgotten about the result. This is because the results are not published even after 6 months of the exam. Your wait will be over soon.
It is expected that the results of LLB Part 1 will be published by the end of 2024. The national university authority has not yet come to any decision about when to publish the results. However, you can learn the simple system of viewing the results before announcing the date. The results will be published in two ways and those are:
- From the National University website Online.
- Via SMS.
NU LLB 1st Year Result Published Date
National university authorities have not yet announced your much-desired date of the result. However, there is nothing to be disappointed about that. National University LLB 1st Year Result 2024 will publish on 06th July 2024. Soon notice of the results will come. It’s been a long time since the exam is over. We will surely inform you if we get any notice or announcement regarding the result publishing date.
NU LLB Part-1 Result 2024 Online
One of the most effective ways to view the LLB result is to view the results online. You will not have to face any problem to do that. For that, please at first visit at this site
- Then you can see the names of different courses there. You have to click on the Professional Course.
- Then the LLB Part 1 option will appear. Click on it and visit.
- Now you will Individual Result is selected by default in the new window that appears. You do not need to do anything there. Then fill in the Roll Number, Registration Number and Exam Year correctly and complete the captcha entry and then click on Search Result. You will get your results soon.
check NU LLB Final Year Result
How to Check LLB 1st Year Result by SMS
You can see the results of LLB Part 1 through SMS without an internet connection. To see the result in SMS, go to the message of your mobile phone and type like this:
NU <Space> Roll No and send to 16222
For example: NU 214568 16222.
See the procedures here for seeing honours first year results.
National University Part-1 Result PDF
If you want to collect the result in the PDF form, you need to see the college wise result. So go to the National University site and click on the result. Then click on the LLB Part 1 from the Professional Course. Then go to College Wise Result. Then you will get detailed results in PDF form just after logging in with college code and password.
Final Words
LLB is a professional course at the national university. Basically, it is a course that needs to do after completing honours. With a degree from this course, you will be able to work as a professional lawyer. Hopefully, everyone will have a smiling face in the NU LLB part-1 result day.